Friday, 14 March 2008

Cheering Myself Up

I went to mv with my sis today just to cheer myself up. Well, cheering me up means eating something nice. Haha... We headed to carl's jr. , a fast food restaurant that i'd always wanted to go. On the way to the 3rd floor where carl's jr. is situated, i saw a red F1 ferrari car on display. So? I took a shot of it. Lol...
A red F1 ferrari

I'm supposed to 'belanja' my sis. I ordered a superb huge burger while my sis order a smaller one than mine. Well, i was just hoping eating this humongous burger can cheer me up a little. Swt... What a silly way to cheer myself. It is called a super star with cheese while my sis is eating a famous star. Mine is a double storey beef meat while my sis is only a single storey. There goes, the unwanted fats will be stored in my body because of these high cholesterol food. Haha...
Say hi to mr. jumbo.

After eating, we did walk around the complex. Nothing much happened during that time except my sis kept wanting to buy a short pants. Nothing to do with me also. Lol... Before we head home, i took a last photo of this red ferrari again. Guess i'm really free. Right now, i just want to know what i should study. A level of form 6? I'm suffering a dilemma. HELP ME!
Ferrari again. =.=


Anonymous said...
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Eric Dinoric said...

Aiya...go for A levels! Trust me!!! Form 6 not easy to study one ah~! trust me ok?=)

munkin said...

abang,say easy,but a-level is expensive