Monday, 31 March 2008

In The Name Of Macha

Currently listening to : 1000 miles By Blake Lewis ( A song not to be miss )

Went to saujana on saturday to attend prize giving ceremony. Well, what i knew is that my former school has become much more stingy than before. Last year,spm students with 5As and above gets to receive rewards from the school. Well, changes happens lately as this year, only students with 6As and above gets to attend. That is totally sucks! Sakai betul! Well, at least my results had 'ngam ngam' crossed the border line provided by the school. =.= Who cares! It is already part of my history. Life still goes on as usual.

Well, as a token appreciation from the school for their successful results in their final year exams, pmr and spm and not forget to mention, teacher's contribution, everyone will be given a trophy, a cert and some cash. Yes, the trophy. A plastic cup trophy. Swt... During my pmr prize giving ceremony, they gave us a trophy that has a globe that is made up of glass. At least we got our rm25 except for those who get straight As, they got rm50. What a day for me not to get bored at home. =.=

Well, i took some photos today of my uncle's pet dog. It is a beagle actually. Sleeping and eating is his daily routine. At least 15 hours of Zzzzz a day. Lol..

Sleeping mode turned on.
Even dogs do know how to do emo-ing. =)

Grrr, wad ar ya lookin at? Dun let me bite u.

Oh, and yesterday was earth hour, and i still on the electric appliances at home while peoples are trying to work together to reduce global warming. Swt... Guess the most effective way is to not to pay 'tenaga' bill so they'll automatically cut off our power supply. So guys, please do our part to save this world, our only home. Have a great day! =)

Do your part!

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