Saturday, 12 April 2008

Day Out

Currently listening to : When It Rains by Paramore ( since these days always rain, i think this makes a perfect song XD )

It was a usual lovely thursday morning. I was with cmt (my driver for the day XD), david and how tian on the way to klia for a reason. The reason is simple, that is for the sake of photography. I was actually surprised in the late wednesday night when cmt ask me to join him with david and how tian to klia. Without further thinking, i quickly agreed with him cause klia is one of my exciting destination to be and especially the purpose for photography. Sadly, it was raining while we're on the way. It wasn't a perfect day for a photography with this kind of harsh weather.

The roof of the so called prestigious klia airport. Lol...

Well, after long walk around klia, couldn't find any nice spot for photography, we decided to head down to putrajaya. The rain doesn't stop us from going anywhere. And it was actually my first time ever heading down to putrajaya. At least the 'driver' and the 'boy boy' do knows the way to go there. Lol...

Took this shot while on our way to klia.

The 'cockpit'. Hehe...

We stopped by the abdullah's office. Too bad, we didn't spot abdullah that day. It'll be cool if we got to take a photo with him. Haha...

The first time i tried to take this.

Dare to climb! I don't dare. XD

After that, we headed to the city centre for some photography session. So, we stop by somewhere and we moved separate ways just for our own photography purpose. Swt...

The structure of this building looks like a huge gate to me.

The modern looking building can be seen in putrajaya.

After more than an hour walking around, we then headed to the seri wawasan bridge. The structure of this bridge looks impressive with its curvy concrete poles. It is something that we don't get to see in kl.

It is absolutely an impressive design.

The majestic look of the bridge.

Our world does fit in it actually.

I can't imagine we all were able to walk from one end to the other end. Siao... =.=

Then to our final stop, the millennium monument that is not far from the bridge. It is actually a weird looking monument that looks like a rocket, or DAP?

OMG! There is a huge hand beside the monument! =.=

Remember this year? If not, don't call yourself a malaysian.

Guess who can this be.

After this, we called it a day. Actually, i do enjoyed this outing with them as i got to see them again after for quite some time . Swt... Overall, putrajaya is nothing like kl and a wondeful place to be. And yea, i begin to love malaysia. Haha... =)
The last shot of the day. =)

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Eric Dinoric said...

Wahhh..u all so tak han ah? How i wish i could join u guys..but too bad..i started college d..=(..