Monday, 12 May 2008

Here It Goes Again

Here it goes again. I'm back to school life once again. Today was my first day of form 6 orientation in smk seri sentosa. Worst thing of all, i had to fit into my old green shirt and my small tight long pants. Probably i'd put on weight. Man, how much more mass i want to add in myself. Well, the orientation day was fine. Get to meet my old buddies there. Technically, the form 6 is the minority in that school and most of the students are from sentosa and saujana only. Good thing about today is that i don't have to wake up early to school like i used to. Sadly, the moment doesn't last long because i have to wake up early tomorrow morning just like normal school day! WTH! Deng, no more sleeping late and waking up late anymore! Anyway, this is what i call school life. =.=

School started! *yawns*

Yesterday was mother's day. Well, we didn't really celebrated the day but we did bought a gift and made a card for my mum. And it is only like a usual sunday that i always had but that day, i'd a satisfying dinner with them. We had porridge prepared by my mum. And it is no ordinary plain white porridge but made up of seafood. Served with mussels, chicken slices and some rice wine gives a taste of a heavenly delight. Lol... But seriously, it tasted awesome and my mum cooks the best. Haha... Actually, every mum does.

Wondering what it is? Well, i don't know what it is. But i can assure you that is an insect roll into a ball. Lol...

Have a great time to start your week!

1 comment:

Eric Dinoric said...

Hahaha..u put on weight!!! losing weight bit by bit~!!! happy for u tht the day u wanted is here.well..all the best ya~!!! Im in college also the same la..need to wake up early summor..but one thing for in collge is more casual than high school days..but in college u'll start to b a big there's so many stuff there is in comercialise..hmm..looking forward to hav a movie date wit u man`!!really miss those days..all the best~!!