Wednesday, 26 March 2008

I Rather Not Give A Title Post

Ah longs bashing up their clients to force them to pay thier debt. Well, that is what the story about in the movie of ah long pte ltd by jack neo. Went to watch this comedy movie with my friend, yihui in mv.

Well, this movie is about a female ah long ( fann wong ) who had realised that her gang being harshed towards their clients wouldn't solve their problem by settling their debts. So, she came up with many ideas to overcome this problem in a courteous manner such as calling a group of 'big fat girls' to dance around their clients in public to embarrass them so they will pay up their debts quickly. Lol... She ended up marrying a sissy guy ( Mark Lee ) to overcome her nagging mum problem. Not forget to mention, a football match using durians instead of balls. Violent aren't they. Maybe they want to save costs. Haha...

The rest, you guys better watch out yourselves as i don't want to tell you guys so much about this movie. Haha... At least i knew why this film is rated 18PL instead of general viewing. Lol...

A scene from the ah long pte ltd - they tried to fight back with the other group of ah long in a hilarious way.

Today is another boring day for me. Everyday is bored. Just spend my time thinking about my past. Well, thinking about the happy and sad moments that i had in the recent years. It is just not anymore. Just another day hating myself. And just another useless day by myself. Haihz...

Staring up.

1 comment:

阿畢 said...

Hey MK!

I watched Ah Long and found it really funny, and it drove choi yenn to hysterical laughs during peaks of the comedy. Myabe it's the result of my months time isolation from urbanies.

How have you been doing lately? Seems that you've earned yourself a DSLR and had dozens of quality snapshots over this page already?

Must stand... from smashing my camera.

See tou soon.