Friday, 28 March 2008

Super Siao!

Today, i am totally free. Besides doing nothing, i spend my time reading newspaper at night. I think i do nothing in the afternoon. Swt... Well, i call it a miracle if i do spend my time reading newspaper even though it last me just a few minutes. Eventually, i done it. Lol... Cut the craps. I was actually amused when i read about a news in star in-tech. It is about a new digital camera from casio. The Exilim Pro EX-F1, the model of the digital cam that i got amused. The cam i'm writing about is not a dslr but a bridge cam.

A typical bridge camera.

A typical compact cam that most people prefer because of its convenient handling nature.

So, what a bridge cam means? Well, i absolutely have no idea what it means because both of these type of cams may look alike from the outside but i can actually differentiate these both cam by its zooming lens. A bridge cam often comes in a superzoom lenses which can optically zoom far enough to capture a shot. Sadly, the lens is not interchangeable. However, a dslr lens can be change with various type of lens from a standard zoom lens or a macro lens to a super telephoto lens or a wide angle lens and many more. At least i made a little explaination about these cams. Lol...

A typical dslr.

Well, even i'm a dslr user, i was totally amused with this casio bridge cam i'd mentioned above. Amazingly, it can capture up to 60 frame per second burst rate of still images. Meaning, in a continuous shooting, a shot can be capture in every 0.017 seconds. This cam can actually capture every single tiny and unnoticeable movement that can be seen by our naked eye. That is totally crazy! I wonder how the shutter gonna sounds like every single moment it capture. Lots more faster than my dslr that can only capture 8 fps and any other dslr i know. @*#&%#@!!! Well, that is how fast this cam can capture. Besides this, this comes with a 12x optical zoom. This is actually normal for a bridge cam. With the astonishing abilities shown by this cam, it will sure comes in a astonishing price tag. Lol...
The cam that i got amused. Notice the 60fps on its left side? Lol...

Whether there is any other cam out there can beat this cam, i'm still amused to this cam. I hope i don't get the wrong information or wrongly interpret it. Haha... =)

Hungry, anyone? Yes i am.

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