Friday, 25 April 2008

Not To Be Forgotten

This thing here is something that should not be forgotten. Well, this is actually a single reflex lens (slr) that used to be the best type of camera in town few decades ago. Actually, i borrowed this slr from my uncle just to try it out since he is not using it. Technically, it is a film camera that views through a interchangeable lens. The design looks unique till we have to roll the films ourselves for each time we take a shot. Nothing is automatic here.

A slr that belongs to my uncle.

Eventually, as time pass, the technology are getting advance, slr were succeeded by dslr that work digitally. As more people prefer to use camera with lcd screen which had replaced the viewfinder and memory cards which had replaced the film. These days, the cameras comes with a sensor that is used to capture the image whereas olden day cameras used film. None of them that comes in film like this one.

A forgotten masterpiece.

But still, some people still prefer using film than recording the shot digitally as the quality of the shots is better and so does it looks much natural. I don't know whether i can handle this cam or not, well, why not just give a shot. Haha... I think better not cause i don't want to spoilt something that don't belongs to me.

It works mechanically here.

So, let's just enjoy the beauty of this cam. Lol...
My ex-school carnival day tomorrow. Better not to miss it. Have a great weekend folks. =)

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