Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Olympic Torch Relay 2008

Currently listening to : We Are Broken by Paramore ( Hayley rocks! )

For the 2nd time, the olympic flame was once again brought to our homeland for the olympic torch relay. The last relay was way back in year 1964 which was the year tokyo, japan hosted the olympic games. The big event was held in the dataran merdeka with the presence of a huge number of pro-china and olympic supporrters. I was there with CMT to give support to the olympic torch relay since i was free. Lol... Sorry How Tian for inviting you in the last minute. With the high spirit of celebrating the olympic games, the excited crowd kept cheering as they were welcoming the olmpic flame for torch relay.

The strong spirit of supporting the china olympic games.

I guess i got nothing else to take.

Lion dance to welcome the vip.

One of the torch bearer running around dataran merdeka.

Whether it rains or shine, the supporters will always be there to cheer till the end. In klcc, it started raining at 4.45pm and the crowd began to disperse trying to seek shelter while some got their umbrellas up above their head. That doesn't mean they were going home, but waiting for the torch to arrive. Well, myself and cmt had went before the torch arrive. =.= So, i don't really knows what happened there. But as long i know, the crowd is still there waiting for the torch bearer to bring the olympic flame to light the cauldron in klcc.

One whole stretch of homosapiens, so does i. XD

The supporters in klcc.

Behind the scene.

What makes the crowd even more excited.

Umbrellas up.

From what i seen yesterday, the event sail smoothly without any sign of protesters disrupting the run. But today local newspaper reported that they were a minor protest by the tibet supporters. No matter what, with huge number of china supporters, you guys are just a small black dot in a piece of white paper. Well, good news that everything went smoothly from the dataran merdeka and finally to the cauldron in klcc.

See what i mean? Majority wins.

Let us not involve politic issues in the olympic games.
"One World, One Dream"

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